Sunday, April 23, 2017

Renaissance Science and a 'Fair Dinkum' Australian Politician

Some people mourn an aspect of political candour that existed in Australia during the era of the 20th Century's political struggle to ensure educational opportunities for the working class. A sense of Australia 'doing right' to 'get somewhere' or to 'forge ahead', existed in contrast to the 21st Century's 'spin doctoring', with its continual reference to various complex financial graphs and charts. The Australian term 'fair dinkum' was a colloquial expression used to denote an opinion that was genuinely held with no reservations. 'Fair Go' was associated with the making of reasonable judgemental policies and the term 'using your Nous' was another popular term, referring to using one's common-sense. Master tradesman often exhorted their apprentices to use their Nous to solve problems.
A fair dinkum Aussie Pollie, in that bygone era, used his or her Nous to ensure a fair deal, and such a person became a well respected Australian politician. The Australian Federal Minster, Simon Crean, had earned such a reputation, along with the rough and tumble criticism from those who put profits ahead of all else. Simon Crean devoted his life creating educational opportunities for fellow Australians, be they unemployed tradespeople or those engaged in fields of higher education.
Simon Crean has become a pivotal figure in ensuring that Australians get a fair go to become acquainted with the development of an entirely new science of chemistry. This medical science, now established by three 1996 Nobel Laureates in Chemistry, is emerging onto the world stage, in complete defiance of the 20th Century's fixed life-science world-view. Australia, thanks to Simon Crean, holds a prominent position within its great futuristic global potential, in which the importance of the Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy, to fuse ethics into the Nous, is of paramount importance within the functioning of the new chemistry.
During 1995, as the Minister for Employment, Education and Training, Simon Crean's Department investigated an application by the Science-Art Research Centre in Australia to become An Australian Government Approved Research Institute. A major Australian University's assessment for the Government claimed, that while the Centre's work was not factually erroneous, it was inconceivable. The scientific hostility toward the Centre's work was such that its mathematical life-force theories, reprinted in 1990 as one of the 20th Century's important discoveres, by the world's largest research institute based in Washington, the IEEE SPIE Milestone series, was treated with hostile contempt in Australia.
Fourteen years earlier, the Commonwealth Government had awarded the Centre's director a grant to supplement a UNESCO appointment for him to attend a World Summit Science Meeting in Trieste. The successful application form clearly explained that the Centre's objective was to bring to Australia an understanding of a new science and technology beyond the ability of Australian educational system to comprehend. In 1995 the Australian Department of Taxation agreed that monies had been spent on the research, which had been given adequate Governmental approval in 1979. Therefore, the work of the Centre could not be considered to be inconceivable. Minister Simon Crean, appeared to have personally weighed up this very contentious issue and decided on giving the Centre a fair go. Ironically, the research was directly related to using the physics structure of the Classical Greek science of life, derived from the ancient concept of the Nous. Simon Crean, has become an important political figure for future history books, as being an Australian politician that used his Nous when other influential Australians could not.
Recently, the NASA High Energy Astrophysics Division Library, published the argument that the Nous was based upon a fractal life-science logic that cannot conceivably be accepted within the general understanding of present science. The discovery that Fullerene chemistry is based directly upon the life-science of the Nous is now basic to a completely new understanding of medical chemistry. Relevant research by Florence University's New measurement of Humanity Project, was endorsed on the the 24th of September, 2010, with the "Giorgio Napolitano Medal" being bestowed upon its organisers, Professors Paolo Manzelli and Massimo Pregnolato, for research conducted by their Quantumbionet/Egocreanet New Renaissance Project. The Australian Science-Art Centre became the first research institute in the world to successfully rename the Fullerene Chemistry as Platonic-Fullerene Chemistry.
In his Guest Editorial within the Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research issue of the Quantum Brain/Mind/Consciousness November 2010 (Part II), Professor Massimo Pregnolato's paper, entitled Time for Quantum Consciousness, contained a specific mention of the work of the Science-Art-Research Centre of Australia. The Social Cradle being constructed by the Centre to nurture the new human survival life-science into existence was specifically noted. Reference was given to the Centre's Space-Time Model being mentioned in the June 2007 edition of NeuroQuantology.
Plato's spiritual, or holographic optic engineering principles, translated into Fullerene synergistic forces that influence protein functioning within the DNA, remains an impossible world-view concept within the Australian educational system. Nanotechnology has proven, beyond all doubt, that this cultural understanding is nothing but an ignorant and barbaric relic of the Dark Ages. Minister Simon Crean, who has been recently appointed as the Federal Minister for the Arts, may well have reason to employ his Nous once again, this time, not over a physics energy issue, but an entirely artistic one.
Plato's optical principles, postulated by the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, as belonging to the functioning of optical physics responsible for artistic creativity, is no longer just theory. The Centre had the good fortune to prove, through viewing paintings through special optical lenses, that some artists had been unconsciously painting holographic images into their work for centuries. The hidden images are now so evident that the Italian Renaissance's laws of optical artistic perspective have been superseded by the Australian discovery.
As a result of that discovery, the Science-Art Centre was able to contribute to the understanding of the cerebral electromagnetic functioning of creative thought. Florence University recognised that the Centre's decision to help construct a Social Cradle to nurture their important research, was based upon Buckminster Fuller's warning, to either get the new science off the ground or inherent global entropic extinction in the near future.
The Director of the Centre was recently appointed the Artist Ambassador to the New Florentine University Renaissance Project, a responsibility fully endorsed in writing by ten world famous scientists. As such, the Centre may well have reason to introduce itself once again to the good offices of Simon Crean's Administration, because the Australian Art Establishment has no understanding that the new art life-science chemistry exits, let alone at the level of comprehension by three Nobel Laureates in Chemistry. Furthermore, the Australian Governmental Arts Administration has expressed no interest whosoever, of the fact that in 2009 the Director of the Science-Art Research Centre was the recipient of a Gold Medal Laureate for his successful modification to Leonardo da Vinci's Theory of All knowledge.
That honour was also awarded to the Head of Moscow University's Department of Biological Research, Professor Simon Schnoll, whose work has received recognition from Princeton University's Global Consciousness Project, headed by Professor Roger Nelson. As the current global entropic situation grows worse, the world will soon become desperate to develop the New Renaissance solution technologies, pioneered in Australia. The term ' fair go' is now really on the line for the entire world to observe and see what transpires, as the Centre herein, presents its new Ambassador credentials to the Australian Government.
Professor Robert Pope ©
Professor Robert Pope is the Director of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, Uki, NSW, Australia. The Center's objective is to initiate a second Renaissance in science and art, so that the current science will be balanced by a more creative and feminine science. More information is available at the Science-Art Centre website: Professor Robert Pope is a recipient of the 2009 Gold Medal Laureate for Philosophy of Science, Telesio Galilei Academy of Science, London. He is an Ambassador for the Florentine New Measurement of Humanity Project, University of Florence, is listed in Marquis Who's Who of the World as an Artist-philosopher, and has received a Decree of Recognition from the American Council of the United Nations University Millennium Project, Australasian Node.
As a professional artist, he has held numerous university artist-in-residencies, including Adelaide University, University of Sydney, and the Dorothy Knox Fellowship for Distinguished Persons. His artwork has been featured of the front covers of the art encyclopedia, Artists and Galleries of Australia, Scientific Australian and the Australian Foreign Affairs Record. His artwork can be viewed on the Science-Art Centre's website.

Science Gifts for Kids

If you have a little scientist then they'll love some of these science gifts for kids. Each of these gifts were handpicked by our authors based on their science theme. Typically we only try to find safe toys for children. After all science can be dangerous. Which is why we would recommend adult supervision when allowing your kids to do any scientific experiment. Also make sure that you follow any of the warnings found on the side of the box. Other than that we hope you enjoy some of our gift ideas.
#5 Mind Blowing Science Kit
The Mind Blowing Science Kit is brought to you by Scientific Explorer. It makes it possible for your kids to create their very own science lab at home. The kit allows kids to perform a variety of different science experiments ranging from a colorful volcano explosion to growing crystals. The best part is that your kids will learn the science behind the experiments. For example they'll learn the difference between acids and bases. The science kit includes almost everything your kids will need to conduct their experiments. Things like water are going to need to be provided by you.
If you're a worry wart you won't have to with this kit. The kit doesn't require any special expertise to conduct experiments. On top of that none of the experiments are particularly messy. Each experiment includes step by step instructions. Plus each experiment includes "mind blowing science secrets" that will help answer your kids questions about what's happening. Out of all of the science gifts that we're going to recommend this one is the most popular. This particular toy has sold thousands of units world wide and has extremely positive ratings.
#4 Magic Science Kit
The Magic Science Kit is another toy brought to you by Scientific Explorer. With this toy your kids can unleash their inner wizards with some magical science experiments. Some of the science experiments includes are color changing spells, making smoke appear from your fingers, magical potions, and much more. On top of that the toy also teaches you the science behind each magic trick.
We know that some parents don't appreciate the theme of "magic and wizard." If that sounds like you then we apologize. The science kit includes all of the facts and instructions behind each experiment. If you're not that type of person then you'll be happy to know that the kit includes cards that teach your kids magic tricks that will baffle all of their friends. Overall this is one of the coolest science kits that we were able to find.
#3 Disgusting Science Kit
This kit might not be appropriate for little girls. However little boys will definitely love it. This science kit includes everything to grow nasty and revolting things. Your kids will be able to grow their own friendly germs and molds right in their own room. Some of the experiments include making a batch of coagulated blood and a stink intestine. With this kit your kids will be able to learn the science behind the unmentionable science functions while doing some nasty experiments.
Out of all the reviews this product received we have to admit that the community is kind of mixed. One person in particular bought this gift for their grandson as a gift. Apparently her grandson loved every second of it. On the other hand some reviews were negative. However, since the community seemed mostly positive we're going to recommend this gift.
#2 Tasty Science Kit
Want to know the best type of science? The kind that's edible. Who knew that science could taste that good? With this kit your kids will be able to make cupcakes, cookies, candy, and much more. On type of that your kids will also be educate behind the science of cooking. Your kids will learn what makes the bread rise, candy crystallize, and more chemistry that happens everyday in the kitchen.
Let's face it, not every kid is going to like making disgusting products that feels like snot. Which is why we wanted to recommend this science kit. We think your kids will enjoy making their favorite candy and cake. The best part about this kit is the price. That kit only cost approximately $18 on a major eCommerce website that we found. It's actually one of the best priced kits on this list. On top of that it's one of the most bought kits.
#1 Fizzy Foamy Science Kit
Our last science gift for kids is going to be the fizzy foamy science kit. Like all of the other kits on our list this one is also by Scientific Explorer. With this kit your kids will be able to make fizzy foam! Children young and old will enjoy mixing safe powders to create solutions that foam and fizz. Some of the lessons that your kids will learn with this kit is what makes soda pop and bread rise. The kit is extremely educational and fun for kids to play with.
This is the kit that allows your kids to measure, predict, and investigate using household materials. Again this toy had a lot of mixed reviews by the community. Out of all the people that reviewed this product it average a three star rating. For the most part the reviews were positive. However there were some negative reviews complaining about various things. For example one of the complaints mentions that all of the ingredients in the kit are only household items. Apparently their kids lost interest after a single experiment. Unfortunately we can't guarantee the authenticity of any statement made by the community.
If this list couldn't help you find a gift for your kid then you might interested in visiting our website: Gift for Kids []. On our website we find all of the best gifts available for kids. We love featuring video games, educational, and themed toys. If that sounds interesting to you then please visit our website at the following web address: [

Education in 50 Years: A Futurist's Perspective

Education is an important tool that is applied in the contemporary world to succeed. The word education means 'to bring up'. Education provides the basic knowledge that makes a human a human. Since the start of human history people have been learning and educating. People in the past struggled very much to get education. Education has progressed from that time. In the present time only educated people can get success in the world. Without education success is impossible.
Education helps an individual to live a respectful life. Educated people are more helpful in the progress of a country. It is playing an important role in the economic and social prosperity. Career wise, education is the foundation of developing individuals by providing knowledge regarding humanity all over the world. Individuals in the society acquire new approaches in life that build opinions on the economical and social life. Education enables the society to interpret the world around them rightly, innovating to new ways and means that conform to their environment.
Contrary to the ways of getting education in the past, now a day's getting education is easy. New technologies, books and many other things have made it easy to get education.
According to my perspective education in the future will be even much advanced than the past and present. With the advancement of science and technology education in the future will be very wonder full. The internet is playing an important role in getting education and it will be of great help in the future. In the future everything will be connected with the internet. Smartphones, tablets, laptops, computers and everything today that is helping in getting education will be much more upgraded. In the next 50 years we will be able to open any book while sitting at home with just a gesture of hand. Instead of LCDs or screens everything will be projected in front of us with the help of holographic technology. Even the children's of 1-3 years of age which are not able to go to school will learn many new things with this technology at home.
Like there are always two faces of a picture, one is bright while other is dark in the same way there are two ways the education in next fifty years can go. Education in the next fifty years may become very easy because everything will be in a student's reach while sitting at home. There will be no need to carry big and heavy bags to school and colleges. And because of the advancement in science and technology all the lessons and lectures will be provided online. But there may arise many problems due to this. Students will become very lazy and inactive and many problems will surround them due to their inactivity. They will get everything while sitting at home which will distort their health.
The education in next 50 years may become a little difficult for students because new ideas and discovery's are being made and students are forced to study all that in a very little age so it becomes a burden on them to understand everything but it will be beneficial for them because for getting something you have to lose something. In the whole world, there are many countries which include developed and developing countries. The education system after 50 years will be different in both. It will be really good in developed countries but in developing countries it will not be that much advances because the countries are way back in the field of science and technology. In next fifty years system of education in school, colleges and universities will totally be changed. Studies will become very easy. Science and technology will play an important role in future education but it will not reduce the importance of teacher. A teacher is the main guide in the whole life of a student. He guides them and makes them well disciplined and educated and in the future also teacher will play an important role in the career building of a student. Even if the students will be able to get knowledge from advance resources like internet, still they will need a teacher. Teachers will educate them in school, colleges and universities in a proper way. The role of a teacher in the life a student can't be neglected.
A teacher is also considered as a "spiritual father" of a student. A student can learn all the knowledge of the world but he can't understand it without the aid of a teacher. Without a teacher, students will get distracted and get involved in other activities. They will become manner less and their interest for seeking education will die out. The advance technology will also help teacher to convey his teachings in a better way to the students. There is a golden saying:-
"Get knowledge from a child's cradle till grave"
Role of a teacher in the life of a student in the next fifty years will remain the same as it is in present. As education makes a student well-mannered and well-disciplined so a student of future will also be well mannered and disciplined. He will respect his elders and his teachers. He will follow the right path.
In next fifty years the life of a student will also be changed completely. Now a day, students have a very tough routine. They go to school in morning, from school to tuition and again have to study at home. Their whole day is spent in this routine and they don't have time for themselves. In future the students will not have to do that much hard work because it is bad for their health and education means to bring up not to bring down. In present days the illiteracy rate is very high. Many children in many countries of the world do not go to school but in future all this would be changed and every child will get education because getting education is the right of every one. System of education in the next fifty years will also be improved as compared to today.
In short, whatever the configuration of an education of future might be technology will play an important role in it. With technology teachers will also play an important role in educating the students. If all the teachers are well educated then they will play a better role and with the coordination of a teacher and new technology the students of future will be the best and they will take their nation or country to the peaks of progress.
Written By Ali Mushtaq Dar. This article is the future of education.

Strategies to Transform From a Trainer to a Workforce Educator

Corporate training has tremendous potential to promote learning in organizations. There are two primary elements that are responsible for how much potential is realized within the corporate training classroom, and those elements are the materials provided and the method of delivery. An instructional designer, or someone in a similar role, can develop engaging materials but if the delivery is not well executed, the training will not be as effective as it could. In contrast, if the training materials have not been designed in the most engaging manner, or the material is technical in nature, it is the trainer who can still create positive classroom conditions that are conducive to learning.
There are two types of trainers that can be found within organizations that choose to invest in learning and development. The first is a trainer who adequately delivers the required training materials and meets the minimum requirements for their role. The other type is a trainer who has evolved into someone who has a much greater impact on the learning process within a training classroom, a trainer who has transformed into a workforce educator. While it may seem that both are performing the same function, and to some degree they are because they work with the same materials, one disseminates information and the other brings the class to life and connects the information to participants in a meaningful manner. Becoming a workforce educator does not happen automatically and requires making a conscious decision as a trainer to improve upon existing skills, acquire additional knowledge, and develop new instructional strategies.
The Work of a Corporate Trainer
In general, a corporate trainer will view training from an outcome-based, task-oriented perspective. Participants are required to attend assigned classes and their willing compliance is expected. The role of a trainer involves preparing to instruct participants for what they are expected to learn or complete by the end of the class, whether it involves acquiring new knowledge or developing new skills. They also understand that the primary responsibilities for their role include providing materials, giving instructions, showing processes and procedures, and answering questions. A trainer knows that the learning objectives or outcomes, whether or not they have been directly involved in developing them, determine what must be accomplished and the final results at the end of the class are somewhat within their control since they demand involvement but they cannot force participants to learn.
Of course there are certainly exceptions to this general rule and there are trainers who have taken workshops and classes to advance their knowledge of corporate training methodologies and processes; however, someone who holds a task-centered view of learning still fits within the typical definition of a corporate trainer. Professional development is available through a variety of resources, which includes professional associations devoted to this field. However, professional development requires more than a membership to an organization or group, it must also involve a genuine interest in the growth of the trainer's own skills. It is easy to believe that if classroom observations and/or performance reviews are adequate, and students respond in a mostly favorable manner to the training instruction, that no further learning and development is needed. That belief only sustains a trainer's current role and mindset, which can limit their future potential.
Corporate trainers may also be called facilitators or instructors. The words instructor and trainer are generally thought to have the same meaning and they are used interchangeably. Some organizations refer to their trainers as facilitators as it suggests that a trainer is guiding the class rather than leading the process of learning. While that is certainly possible, taking this type of approach still requires advanced instructional experience and strategies, which would change the role of the trainer beyond someone who delivers materials and expects that participants will comply with their instructions. Unless a trainer has acquired advanced knowledge of adult learning and pursued their own professional development, what they are usually most skilled at is the art of corporate training.
What it Means to Be a Workforce Educator
The word facilitator is really not enough to adequately describe a trainer who has transformed from someone who delivers information to someone who educates. A corporate classroom is still going to be instructor-driven, given the nature of how most training occurs, which means the instructor is going to do something more than facilitate a process. Unless students are given the materials in advance, allowed to prepare for discussions before the class begins, and given an opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned through written projects, a trainer is going to do more than guide the participants - they are still going to lead and direct the class. However, what can change the process of corporate training is a trainer who has purposefully transformed and become a workforce educator.
An educator is someone who has developed a different view of how employees as participants are involved in the learning process. In addition, an educator understands that learning begins within the mind of the participants, not with the materials they need to deliver. They are not going to just give participants information that must be assimilated - they understand the basic process of adult learning and through knowing some of the most important adult education principles they will help students learn, apply, and retain new knowledge. A workforce educator will develop instructional strategies that are learner or employee focused, and they will partner with the instructional designer or person who is involved in curriculum development to make certain that all learning activities support the participants' overall progress and development.
There is another important distinction made between a corporate trainer and a workforce educator. A corporate trainer believes they know enough and are well-equipped to train employees. In contrast, an educator is someone who is focused on their own professional self-development. Regardless of whether a trainer was hired because of their experience rather than their academic accomplishments, they possess a genuine interest in learning how to educate adults. They continue to learn from classes and workshops they attend, they read materials and resources that further the development of their own knowledge base, and they use self-reflection after each class to assess the effectiveness of their instructional strategies. It is possible to be a natural educator without having an advanced degree in adult education because what matters most is the pursuit of some form of ongoing professional development, along with a willingness to continue to learn and adapt for the benefit of the employees as students.
Strategies to Transform from a Trainer to an Educator
The most important characteristics needed to make the transformation from trainer to educator is a mindset that is focused on teaching rather than telling participants what they need to learn, along with an attitude of ongoing development and a willingness to learn. An educator is someone who views themselves as a lifelong learner, even if they have not acquired advanced education. There are many resources available now for educators, especially online, which will anyone to acquire the knowledge necessary to improve their craft. But if someone believes they have already learned enough or know enough about learning, that thinking is going to cause them to get stuck and their developmental capacity becomes limited over time.
Once a trainer has decided they want acquire additional knowledge about adult learning, they can begin to conduct research and read about some of the most important adult education theories. This is going to serve as a pivotal turning point in an educator's career, becoming well-informed about the process of learning as an adult. One theory that can inform the work of an educator is andragogy, which is about the process of teaching adults who already have experience and knowledge that shapes how they are involved as students or participants. Additional topics and theories that are important to research include cognition, learning styles, critical thinking, transformative learning, student motivation and engagement, multiple intelligences, constructivism, academic skills and academic preparedness, and self-directed learning. There are numerous online websites and blogs devoted to adult education, along with articles about adult learning that can be found online or in print through an online library database.
Ongoing professional development can continue by connecting with other professionals, and LinkedIn is a helpful place to begin searching as there are numerous groups and associations that can be found through this professional networking website resource. As a member of a LinkedIn group it is possible to become involved in discussions and share resources with like-minded professionals who have similar interests in adult learning. Another helpful social networking website that can be used for sharing resources with educators worldwide is Twitter. Your ability to connect with the right audience will depend upon the manner in which you establish your profile and indicate what your professional interests are. The purpose of being involved in ongoing research and connecting with other educators is to inform your work and help you develop instructional strategies that are effective in creating conditions in the classroom where learning can occur. The more you transform and improve your instructional style, the better outcomes your students are likely to experience as a result of attending your corporate training classes.
Corporate Training is Necessary, Workforce Education is Developmental
Corporate training will always be necessary for any organization that needs to provide skill set training or relevant job-related knowledge. There are many individuals who have made a successful career from their work as a trainer, skillfully delivering information in a manner that reduces employee resistance to the training process. Those same individuals may believe that they offer the best possible classroom experience and no further training is required, and they may well be correct. However, everyone who is involved in corporate training has an ability to become more than a trainer, regardless of whether they provide technical training, soft skills training, or other developmental forms of training. Workforce education changes the perspective of a trainer and focuses on the potential of every employee. An educator can help employees obtain the maximum possible benefit from the training classes, while helping them transfer what was learned in the class to their job. This brings out the best in the trainers and the participants as employees, as both experience the transformative nature of learning and being fully engaged in the process. The result of a trainer becoming a workforce educator is that they will likely be more effective in their role, which means that employees (as participants) will gain more from the learning process while improving their retention of knowledge and engagement at work.
Dr. Bruce A. Johnson has developed expertise with adult learning through advanced education in the field of adult education, along with his work as an instructional designer, college professor, professional writer, published author, and corporate trainer. To learn more about the books and resources related to adult education, online learning, and professional self-development that are available from Dr. J please visit:

History of Wireless Technologies

The development of Wireless technology owes it all to Michael Faraday - for discovering the principle of electromagnetic induction, to James Maxwell - for the Maxwell's equations and to Guglielmo Marconi - for transmitting a wireless signal over one and a half miles. The sole purpose of Wi-Fi technology is wireless communication, through which information can be transferred between two or more points that are not connected by electrical conductors.
Wireless technologies were in use since the advent of radios, which use electromagnetic transmissions. Eventually, consumer electronics manufacturers started thinking about the possibilities of automating domestic microcontroller based devices. Timely and reliable relay of sensor data and controller commands were soon achieved, which led to the discovery of Wireless communications that we see everywhere now.
With the radios being used for wireless communications in the World war era, scientists and inventors started focusing on means to developing wireless phones. The radio soon became available for consumers and by mid 1980s, wireless phones or mobile phones started to appear. In the late 1990s, mobile phones gained huge prominence with over 50 million users worldwide. Then the concept of wireless internet and its possibilities were taken into account. Eventually, the wireless internet technology came into existence. This gave a boost to the growth of wireless technology, which comes in many forms at present.
Applications of Wireless Technology
The rapid progress of wireless technology led to the invention of mobile phones which uses radio waves to enable communication from different locations around the world. The application of wireless tech now ranges from wireless data communications in various fields including medicine, military etc to wireless energy transfers and wireless interface of computer peripherals. Point to point, point to multipoint, broadcasting etc are all possible and easy now with the use of wireless.
The most widely used Wi-Fi tech is the Bluetooth, which uses short wavelength radio transmissions to connect and communicate with other compatible electronic devices. This technology has grown to a phase where wireless keyboards, mouse and other peripherals can be connected to a computer. Wireless technologies are used:
· While traveling
· In Hotels
· In Business
· In Mobile and voice communication
· In Home networking
· In Navigation systems
· In Video game consoles
· In quality control systems
The greatest benefit of Wireless like Wi-Fi is the portability. For distances between devices where cabling isn't an option, technologies like Wi-Fi can be used. Wi-fi communications can also provide as a backup communications link in case of network failures. One can even use wireless technologies to use data services even if he's stuck in the middle of the ocean. However, Wireless still have slower response times compared to wired communications and interfaces. But this gap is getting narrower with each passing year.
Progress of Wireless technology
Wireless data communications now come in technologies namely Wi-Fi (a wireless local area network), cellular data services such as GPRS, EDGE and 3G, and mobile satellite communications. Point-to-point communication was a big deal decades ago. But now, point-to-multipoint and wireless data streaming to multiple wirelessly connected devices are possible. Personal network of computers can now be created using Wi-Fi, which also allows data services to be shared by multiple systems connected to the network.
Wireless technologies with faster speeds at 5 ghz and transmission capabilities were quite expensive when they were invented. But now, almost all mobile handsets and mini computers come with technologies like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, although with variable data transfer speeds. Wireless have grown to such a level, where even mobile handsets can act as Wi-Fi hotspots, enabling other handsets or computers connected to a particular Wi-Fi hotspot enabled handset, can share cellular data services and other information. Streaming audio and video data wirelessly from the cell phone to a TV or computer is a walk in the park now.
Wireless Technology today, are robust, easy to use, and are portable as there are no cables involved. Apart from local area networks, even Metropolitan Area networks have started using Wi-fi tech (WMAN) and Customer Premises Equipment ( CPE ). Aviation, Transportation and the Military use wireless technologies in the form of Satellite communications. Without using interconnecting wires, wireless technologies are also used in transferring energy from a power source to a load, given that the load doesn't have a built-in power source.
However, the fact that 'nothing comes without a drawback' or 'nothing is perfect' also applies to Wi-fi technology. Wireless technologies still have limitations, but scientists are currently working on it to remove the drawbacks and add to the benefits. The main limitation is that Wireless technologies such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi can only be used in a limited area. The wireless signals can be broadcasted only to a particular distance. Devices outside of this range won't be able to use Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. But the distance limitation is becoming reduced every year. There are also a few security limitations which hackers can exploit to cause harm in a wireless network. But Wireless technologies with better security features have started to come out. So this is not going to be a problem for long.
Speaking of progress, Wi-Fi technology is not limited to powerful computers and mobile handsets. The technology has progressed enough that Wi-Fi enabled TVs and microwaves have started appearing in the markets. The latest and the most talked-about wireless technology is the NFC or Near Field Communication, which lets users exchange data by tapping their devices together. Using wireless technologies are not as expensive as it used to be in the last decade. With each passing year, newer and better wireless technologies arrive with greater benefits.
Wi-fi technologies have become vital for business organizations and ordinary consumers alike. Offering speed, security and mobility, wireless backhaul technologies are used even in Voice over Internet Protocols (VOIP). Schools and Educational institutions have started using Wi-fi networks. Technical events and video game tournaments now use Wireless connections to connect users to a network. The applications, use and demand of Wireless technologies keep increasing every year, making it one of the most significant inventions of this century. It can be concluded that Wireless technologies will be advancing to greater heights in the coming years.

Leaping Into the 6th Technology Revolution

We're at risk of missing out on some of the most profound opportunities offered by the technology revolution that has just begun.
Yet many are oblivious to the signs and are in danger of watching this become a period of noisy turmoil rather than the full-blown insurrection needed to launch us into a green economy. What we require is not a new spinning wheel, but fabrics woven with nanofibers that generate solar power. To make that happen, we need a radically reformulated way of understanding markets, technology, financing, and the role of government in accelerating change. But will we understand the opportunities before they disappear?
Seeing the Sixth Revolution for What It Is
We are seven years into the beginning of what analysts at BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research call the Sixth Revolution. A table by Carlotta Perez, which was presented during a recent BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research luncheon hosted by Robert Preston and Steven Milunovich, outlines the revolutions that are unexpected in their own time that lead to the one in which we find ourselves.
  • 1771: Mechanization and improved water wheels
  • 1829: Development of steam for industry and railways
  • 1875: Cheap steel, availability of electricity, and the use of city gas
  • 1908: Inexpensive oil, mass-produced internal combustion engine vehicles, and universal electricity
  • 1971: Expansion of information and tele-communications
  • 2003: Cleantech and biotech
The Vantage of Hindsight
Looking back at 1971, we know that Intel's introduction of the microprocessor marked the beginning of a new era. But in that year, this meant little to people watching Mary Tyler Moore and The Partridge Family, or listening to Tony Orlando & Dawn and Janis Joplin. People would remember humanity's first steps on the Moon, opening relations between US and China, perhaps the successful completion of the Human Genome Project to 99.99% accuracy, and possibly the birth of Prometea, the first horse cloned by Italian scientists.

According to Ben Weinberg, Partner, Element Partners, "Every day, we see American companies with promising technologies that are unable to deploy their products because of a lack of debt financing. By filling this gap, the government will ignite the mass deployment of innovative technologies, allowing technologies ranging from industrial waste heat to pole-mounted solar PV to prove their economics and gain credibility in the debt markets."

Flying beneath our collective radar was the first floppy disk drive by IBM, the world's first e-mail sent by Ray Tomlinson, the launch of the first laser printer by Xerox PARC and the Cream Soda Computer by Bill Fernandez and Steve Wozniak (who would found the Apple Computer company with Steve Jobs a few years later).
Times have not changed that much. It's 2011 and many of us face a similar disconnect with the events occurring around us. We are at the equivalent of 1986, a year on the cusp of the personal computer and the Internet fundamentally changing our world. 1986 was also the year that marked the beginning of a major financial shift into new markets. Venture Capital (VC) experienced its most substantial finance-raising season, with approximately $750 million, and the NASDAQ was established to help create a market for these companies.
Leading this charge was Kleiner Perkins Caulfield & Beyers (KPCB), a firm that turned technical expertise into possibly the most successful IT venture capital firm in Silicon Valley. The IT model looked for a percentage of big successes to offset losses: an investment like the $8 million in Cerent, which was sold to Cisco Systems for $6.9 billion, could make up for a lot of great ideas that didn't quite make it.
Changing Financial Models
But the VC model that worked so well for information and telecommunications doesn't work in the new revolution. Not only is the financing scale of the cleantech revolution orders of magnitude larger than the last, this early in the game even analysts are struggling to see the future.
Steven Milunovich, who hosted the BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research lunch, remarked that each revolution has an innovation phase which may last for as long as 25 years, followed by an implementation phase of another 25. Most money is made in the first 20 years, so real players want to get in early. But the question is: Get in where, for how much and with whom?
There is still market scepticism and uncertainty about the staying power of the clean energy revolution. Milunovich estimates that many institutional investors don't believe in global warming, and adopt a "wait and see" attitude complicated by government impasse on energy security legislation. For those who are looking at these markets, their motivation ranges from concerns about oil scarcity, supremacy in the "new Sputnik" race, the shoring up of homeland security and - for some - a concern about the effects of climate change. Many look askance at those who see that we are in the midst of a fundamental change in how we produce and use energy. Milunovich, for all these reasons, is "cautious in the short term, bullish on the long."
The Valley of Death
Every new technology brings with it needs for new financing. In the sixth revolution, with budget needs 10 times those of IT, the challenge is moving from idea to prototype to commercialization. The Valley of Death, as a recent Bloomberg New Energy Finance whitepaper, Crossing the Valley of Death pointed out, is the gap between technology creation and commercial maturity.
But some investors and policy makers continue to hope that private capital will fuel this gap, much as it did the last. They express concern over the debt from government programs like the stimulus funds (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) which have invested millions in new technologies in the clean energy sector, as well as helping states with rebuilding infrastructure and other projects. They question why the traditional financing models, which made the United States the world leader in information technology and telecommunications, can't be made to work today, if the Government would just get out of the way.
But analysts from many sides of financing believe that government support, of some kind, is essential to move projects forward, because cleantech and biotech projects require a much larger input of capital in order to get to commercialization. This gap not only affects commercialization, but is also affecting investments in new technologies, because financial interests are concerned that their investment might not see fruition - get to commercial scale.
How new technologies are radically different from the computer revolution.
Infrastructure complexity
This revolution is highly dependent on an existing - but aging - energy infrastructure. Almost 40 years after the start of the telecommunications revolution, we are still struggling with a communications infrastructure that is fragmented, redundant, and inefficient. Integrating new sources of energy, and making better use of what we have, is an even more complex - and more vital - task.
According to "Crossing the Valley of Death," the Bloomberg New Energy Finance Whitepaper,

"The events of the past few years confirm that it is only with the public sector's help that the Commercialization Valley of Death can be addressed, both in the short and the long term. Only public institutions have 'public benefits' obligations and the associated mandated risk-tolerance for such classes of investments, along with the capital available to make a difference at scale. Project financiers have shown they are willing to pick up the ball and finance the third, 23rd, and 300th project that uses that new technology. It is the initial technology risk that credit committees and investment managers will not tolerate."

Everything runs on fuel and energy, from our homes to our cars to our industries, schools, and hospitals. Most of us have experienced the disconnect we feel when caught in a blackout: "The air-conditioner won't work so I guess I'll turn on a fan," only to realize we can't do either. Because energy is so vital to every aspect of our economy, federal, state and local entities regulate almost every aspect of how energy is developed, deployed, and monetized. Wind farm developers face a patchwork quilt of municipal, county, state and federal regulations in getting projects to scale.
Incentives from government sources, as well as utilities, pose both an opportunity and a threat: the market rises and falls in direct proportion to funding and incentives. Navigating these challenges takes time and legal expertise: neither of which are in abundant supply to entrepreneurs.
Development costs
Though microchips are creating ever-smaller electronics, cleantech components - such as wind turbines and photovoltaics - are huge. They can't be developed in a garage, like Hewlett and Packard's first oscilloscope. A new generation of biofuels that utilizes nanotechnology isn't likely to take place out of a dorm room, as did Michael Dell's initial business selling customized computers. What this means for sixth revolution projects is that they have much larger funding needs, at much earlier stages.
Stepping up and supporting innovation, universities - and increasingly corporations - are partnering with early stage entrepreneurs. They are providing technology resources, such as laboratories and technical support, as well as management expertise in marketing, product development, government processes, and financing. Universities get funds from technology transfer arrangements, while corporations invest in a new technologies, expanding their product base, opening new businesses, or providing cost-benefit and risk-analysis of various approaches.
But even with such help, venture capital and other private investors are needed to augment costs that cannot be born alone. These investors look to some assurance that projects will produce revenue in order to return the original investment. So concerns over the Valley of Death affects even early stage funding.
Time line to completion
So many of us balk at two year contracts for our cell phones that there is talk of making such requirements illegal. But energy projects, by their size and complexity, look out over years, if not decades. Commercial and industrial customers look to spread their costs over ten to twenty years, and contracts cover contingencies like future business failure, the sale of properties, or the prospect of renovations that may affect the long term viability of the original project.
Kevin Walsh, managing director and head of Power and Renewable Energy at GE Energy Financial Services states, "GE Energy Financial Services supports the creation of CEDA or a similar institution because it would expand the availability of low-cost capital to the projects and companies in which we invest, and it would help expand the market for technology supplied by other GE businesses."
Michael Holman, analyst for Lux Research, noted that a $25 million investment in Google morphed into $1.7 billion 5 years later. In contrast, a leading energy storage company started with a $300 million investment, and 9 years later valuation remains uncertain. These are the kinds of barriers that can stall the drive we need for 21st century technologies.
Looking to help bridge the gap in new cleantech and biotech projects, is a proposed government-based solution called the Clean Energy Deployment Administration (CEDA). There is a house and senate version, as well as a house Green Bank bill to provide gap financing. Recently, over 42 companies, representing many industries and organizations, signed a letter to President Obama, supporting the Senate version, the "21st Century Energy Technology Deployment Act."
Both the house and senate bills propose to create, as an office within the US Department of Energy (DOE), an administration which would be tasked with lending to risky cleantech projects for the purpose of bringing new technologies to market. CEDA would be the bridge needed to ensure the successful establishment of the green economy, by partnering with private investment to bring the funding needed to get these technologies to scale. Both versions capitalize the agency with $10 Billion (Senate) and $7.5 Billion (House), with an expected 10% loss reserve long term.
By helping a new technology move more effectively through the pipeline from idea to deployment, CEDA can substantially increase private sector investment in energy technology development and deployment. It can create a more successful US clean energy industry, with all the attendant economic and job creation benefits.
Who Benefits?
CEDA funding could be seen as beneficial for even the most unlikely corporations. Ted Horan is the Marketing and Business Development Manager for Hycrete, a company that sells a waterproof concrete. Hardly a company that springs to mind when we think about clean technologies, he recently commented on why Hycrete CEO, Richard Guinn, is a signatory on the letter to Obama:

"The allocation of funding for emerging clean energy technologies through CEDA is an important step in solving our energy and climate challenges. Companies on the cusp of large-scale commercial deployment will benefit greatly and help accelerate the adoption of clean energy practices throughout our economy."

In his opinion, the manufacturing and construction that is needed to push us out of a stagnating economy will be supported by innovation coming from the cleantech and biotech sectors.
Google's Dan Reicher, Director of Climate Change and Energy Initiatives, has been a supporter from the inception of CEDA. He has testified before both houses of Congress, and was a signatory on the letter to President Obama. Google's interest in clean and renewable energies dates back several years. The company is actively involved in projects to cut costs of solar thermal and expand the use of plug-in vehicles, and has developed the Power Meter, a product which brings home energy management to anyone's desktop-for free.
Financial support includes corporations like GE Energy Financial Services, Silicon Valley Venture Capital such as Kleiner, Perkins Caulfiled and Byers, and Mohr Davidow Ventures, and Energy Capital including Hudson Clean Energy and Element Partners.Can something like the senate version of CEDA leap the Valley of Death?
As Will Coleman from Mohr Davidow Ventures, said, "The Devil's in the details." The Senate version has two significant changes from previous proposals: an emphasis on breakthrough as opposed to conventional technologies, and political independence.
Neil Auerbach, Managing Partner, Hudson Clean Energy
The clean energy sector can be a dynamic growth engine for the US economy, but not without thoughtful government support for private capital formation. **[Government policy] promises to serve as a valuable bridging tool to accelerate private capital formation around companies facing the challenge, and can help ensure that the US remains at the forefront of the race for dominance in new energy technologies.
Breakthrough Technologies
Coleman said that "breakthrough" includes the first or second deployment of a new approach, not just the game changing science-fiction solution that finally brings us limitless energy at no cost. The Bloomberg New Energy white paper uses the term "First of Class." Bringing solar efficiency up from 10% to 20%, or bringing manufacturing costs down by 50%, would be a breakthrough that would help us begin to compete with threats from China and India. Conventional technologies, those that are competing with existing commercialized projects, would get less emphasis.
Political Independence
Political independence is top of mind for many who spoke or provided an analysis of the bill. Michael Holman, analyst at Lux Research, expressed the strongest concerns that CEDA doesn't focus enough on incentives to bring together innovative start-ups with larger established firms.

"The government itself taking on the responsibility of deciding what technologies to back isn't likely to work-it's an approach with a dreadful track record. That said, it is important for the federal government to lead - the current financing model for bringing new energy technologies to market is broken, and new approaches are badly needed."

For many, the senate bill has many advantages over the house bill, in providing for a decision making process that includes technologists and private sector experts.

"I think both sides [of the aisle] understand this is an important program, and must enable the government to be flexible and employ a number of different approaches. The Senate version empowers CEDA to take a portfolio approach and manage risk over time, which I think is good. In the House bill, CEDA has to undergo the annual appropriation process, which runs the risk of politicizing every investment decision in isolation and before we have a chance to see the portfolio mature." - Will Coleman, Mohr Davidow.

Michael DeRosa, Managing Director of Element Partners added,

"The framework must ensure the selection of practical technologies, optimization of risk/return for taxpayer dollars, and appropriate oversight for project selection and spending. **Above all, these policies must be designed with free markets principles in mind and not be subject to political process."

If history is any indication, rarely are those in the middle of game-changing events aware of their role in what will one day be well-known for their sweeping influence. But what we can see clearly now is the gap between idea and commercial maturity. CEDA certainly offers some hope that we may yet see the cleantech age grow up into adulthood. But will we act quickly enough before all of the momentum and hard work that has brought us this far falls flat as other countries take leadership roles, leaving us in the dust?
THE GREEN ECONOMY is an information company, providing timely, credible facts and analyses on companies adapting to meet the challenges of a green future.
Markets are in transition; customers are demanding a higher quality of life, such as clean water and energy. These pressures are affecting commodity prices, access to markets, the nature of innovation and more. At the same time, infrastructure (water, energy, transportation), is becoming more - not less - localized. These changes mean opportunities and demand new partnerships to deliver increasingly complex solutions. THE GREEN ECONOMY tells those stories.

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